Friday, January 15, 2010

F1R5T P05T!!!1!

The blog is up! Going to be posting all my works here, as well as updates on book status. Hoorah!

I'll get things started with a short story from a project I'm working on called Story-A-Day. I think the title explains itself. This story is called 'Genocide', decided by a random word generator. That's basically how I pick my topic for the day.

Anyways, without further adeu, I present 'Genocide'!


“Open up, Christian Relocation Committee!” an amplified voice shouted from behind the heavy oak door. Isaac swallowed fearfully, backing away from the door with his hands raised in a defensive stance.

Isaac had always known it would come to this, but now that it was happening he wasn’t sure he could handle the situation. His parents had set an emergency plan for when the CRC finally took action, but they were both dead now and Isaac was alone.

“Open the fucking door!” the soldier on the other side of the door yelled, “We know you’re in there!” Isaac jumped as the soldier began thumping his fist against the door, and then slunk into the kitchen.

There, he knelt down and eased a loose tile from its position in the corner of the room. Beneath it laid two wooden cases, unmarked except for a red ‘X’ emblazoned on the lid. Isaac removed the lid of the first case, revealing a gleaming, unmarked revolver. With shaking hands, he took it in his hands and checked the cylinder, as he had been taught to do. The gun was fully loaded.

Isaac opened the second case to reveal a nearly identical revolver. He grabbed this one as well and hastily made his way over to the back door. Listening carefully, Isaac waited. A few seconds passed, and then there came a loud splintering. Seconds later, the sound of heavy boots on tile met Isaac’s ears.

That was his cue, and he quietly pushed the back door open. Isaac slid through the narrow opening and closed the door behind him. Then, he sprinted across the backyard and vaulted himself over the shoulder-high fence.

Isaac slid to the ground, breathing hard. He had evaded the CRC soldiers for the time being, but he knew it wouldn’t take long for them to find him.

“Why is this happening,” Isaac whispered, as if he didn’t already know. The CRC had formed two years previously, and since then they had made it their goal to eradicate each and every Christian in the country. Isaac didn’t know why, nor did he care. All that mattered was his continued survival. Isaac only wished his parents were there with him.

They had been publicly executed during a CRC rally, in front of thousands of people, as a message to any that might resist. Isaac himself had been forced to watch, and the memories of that day still burned clear in his mind.

“Son of a bitch, he got away!” someone yelled from behind the fence. Isaac tensed, raising his guns in a ready stance. Slowly, Isaac got to his feet, never taking his eyes from the unlocked gate at the far end of the yard. That was where the soldiers would come, he was sure of it.

Isaac raised his revolvers, aiming them unsteadily at the gate. His father had given him lessons on proper usage of the guns, but he was having trouble remembering them.

“Try that gate!” one soldier called, “He might have jumped the fence!” Moments later, a hand slipped over the top of the gate and fumbled around for the bolt-lock. Isaac took a deep breath, willing himself not to fire prematurely.

The hand collided with the lock, and moments later the lock had been pulled back. The gate opened, and Isaac spotted a single soldier clad in light gray body armour standing in plain sight.

Isaac fired twice, nearly falling over from the force of the recoil. The soldier cried out, looking down in astonishment as two bloody holes appeared in his upper chest. Then, he crumpled to the ground.

Isaac broke for the gate, praying to God for forgiveness. He hadn’t wanted to kill the man, but there was simply no choice. One life had been lost so that another could continue.

A second soldier appeared next to the body of his fallen comrade, staring down at the bloody corpse in surprise. Isaac fired once more, and the soldier dropped like a stone.

By then, the rest of the squadron had realized what was going on, and had trained their weapons on the opening where two bodies now lay, sprawled across each other.

Isaac slid to a halt, almost tripping on the damp grass. He backed away quickly, realizing that he had come inches from running out into an ambush. He pulled himself over the fence opposite his house, and ran.

Soon, he had put enough distance between him and the soldiers to feel safe, at least for the moment. Isaac knelt down and pulled himself into the space behind an empty dog house. The dog itself, a brute of a Rottweiler, was lying dead ten feet away, an early victim of the CRC’s extermination.

Gasping for breath, Isaac listened as bloodcurdling screams tore through the night air all around him. Shuddering, Isaac stuffed the revolvers into the pockets of his jeans.

There was really only one word for the horror that surrounded him, Isaac realized. It was genocide.

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